On 2010-03-01 15:39, John Hardin wrote:

[ About ExtractText.pm]

Jonas, what's the current status of that plugin? It looks pretty stable
to me.

It works fine here. Don't know how it works for others. I haven't tested it with 3.3 yet.

And, can it extract from basic text attachments? I assume so...

It doesn't have any predefined extractor for that, but yes it can.

extracttext_external text {CS:UTF-8} /bin/cat -
extracttext_use text .txt .htm .html text/(?:plain|html)

That ought to work for text/plain. It should be easy to write a minimal plugin to extract text/plain though, and avoid the external call.

For text/html we need to strip out the HTML as well. A plugin for that should also be easy to write. It should probably use SAs existing HTML renderer.

The plugin currently allways calls set_rendered with no type parameter, wich means it allways spcifies text/plain. It probably should be able to add text/html as html, so that a HTML stripping extractor plugin would be redundant. I'll look into this. Can't be sure when I have the time though.


Jonas Eckerman
Fruktträdet & Förbundet Sveriges Dövblinda

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