On Fri, 12 Mar 2010, Dennis B. Hopp wrote:
describe FORGED_YAHOO     Yahoo with non-Yahoo Reply-to address
header   __FORGED_YH1     From =~ /\...@yahoo\.com/i
header   __FORGED_YH2     Reply-to =~ /\...@yahoo\.com/i
meta     FORGED_YAHOO     (__FORGED_YH1 && !__FORGED_YH2)

The problem with this is that the !__FORGED_YH2 matches
when there is *NO* Reply-To header at all!

You need something like this:

header __FORGED_YH2 Reply-To =~ /\@([^y]|y[^a]|ya[^h]|yah[^o])/i
meta     FORGED_YAHOO     (__FORGED_YH1 && __FORGED_YH2)

(remove the negation from the meta)
This directly tests for an existing Reply-To specifically to a domain
that does not begin with 'yaho'.

However, keep in mind that the headers for *this* mailing list would trigger your rule. So you will also need to meta this with a rule that tests for yahoo mail server being the sending SMTP client....

Gets tricky, doesn't it?

- C

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