
I've run into an issue with a mailbox where large amounts of spam are making their way through filters. The majority of these spam messages receive SA scores of 0.3-1.6; for obvious reasons I cannot adjust the filter sensitivity this aggressively. After reading through the docs I've come across the 'sa-learn' command which is supposed to help SpamAssassin learn beyond its scoring method - please correct me if I misunderstood here.

I'm using SpamAssassin version 3.2.5 on RHEL4 on a VPS should this be of assistance. I've moved a collection of these spam messages into a new folder made with a supplied webmail software. The command I am using is: sa-learn --spam /path/to/file This file currently has 153 spam messages; however when the above command is run I receive the following message:
Learned tokens from 0 message(s) (0 message(s) examined)

I take this to mean that the learn tool either found nothing of importance to scan, or simply found nothing at all to scan. Are there additional parameters I should be including here? Or is it more a case of because these messages receive such a low SA score to begin with, SpamAssassin finds nothing wrong?

TIA for any assistance,
-Tim Thorburn

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