On 8/12/2010 8:49 AM, Tim Thorburn wrote:
> Hello,
> I've run into an issue with a mailbox where large amounts of spam are
> making their way through filters.  The majority of these spam messages
> receive SA scores of 0.3-1.6; for obvious reasons I cannot adjust the
> filter sensitivity this aggressively.  After reading through the docs
> I've come across the 'sa-learn' command which is supposed to help
> SpamAssassin learn beyond its scoring method - please correct me if I
> misunderstood here.

This should help, but if you are getting large amounts of spam scoring
less than 2 points, there is probably something else wrong.  What
version of SA are you running?  Have you run sa-update recently?  Are
you using the network rules?  Can you post a few sample spams (headers
and all) to a pastebin so we can see the spam and see which rules are


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