On Tue, 18 Jan 2011 10:13:22 +0100, J4 wrote:

 I have Dovecot LDA so Sieve might well be a good idea, but I would
like to inform the sender that the Email was dropped as spam, and
avoid backscatter. I don't think I can do this with Sieve/Dovecot LDA.

dont use sieve reject since if you are using pipe in postfix you will bounce to forged sender, so if you really need to bounce make sure it only happen on spf_pass or dkim valid, or local domain

else your own ip will be blacklisted for sending to forged senders

safe sicve rule is to move it to junk folder and do a cron from there that learn it as spam

and when done delete the mail, if you install dovecot-antispam with mailtrain enabled then users just need to move mails via imap protocol to laern sa-learn --spam when move to junk, and when move out of junk sa-learn --ham is issued :=)

neat ?

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