On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 11:45:45AM +0100, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> >On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:52:50AM -0700, John Hardin wrote:
> >>"Trust" here is not about "won't spam", and ALL_TRUSTED is not a
> >>whitelist.
> On 31.10.13 10:59, Henrik K wrote:
> >Pfft semantics.
> >
> >I shortcircuit ALL_TRUSTED with a huge trusted_networks list. :-) So yes
> >it's a whitelist for me.  I add networks known to be spam free and operated
> >by "friends" (other govenment entities, consulting firms etc).  Everything
> >works fine, I've also added all private networks as said so it works for
> >their internal hops.
> well, if you re using tusted networks as no spam indicator, it's your
> problem. However the trust path was never meant that way, and it's not good
> idea recommend it to others, since they may have to deal with issues
> resulting of the invalid usade...

What issues?

Most people don't understand the external/trusted concept, and the
documentation on all this is vague anyway.  OP seemed more than savvy to
decide for himself.  Then there are people that don't get it no matter what.

SA is a framework and you can use it anyway it works best for you.

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