On Wed, 22 Oct 2014, LuKreme wrote:

I am seeing duplicate emails when saved off into my Maildirs. My normal mail application ignores these duplicates, but iOS 8 does not, so I need to figure out what's going on.

1412808979.M904650P22299.mail.covisp.net,S=65189,W=66526:2,S 1412808979.M904651P22299.mail.covisp.net,S=65197,W=66534:2,S

How separated in time are the two message files?

Do you have any kind of procmail logging turned on?

Are all messages duplicated, or only some?

Is the message addressed to you and also to an alias that also resolves to you, or something else that would cause the system to duplicate the message upstream of procmail?

Does this indicate that it's spamassassin that is somehow creating a duplicate?

Doubtful. SA only scores and may rewrite the headers a bit. It's vaguely possible that the glue is doing it somehow. Is procmail your glue, or something else upstream (a milter or some such)?

 John Hardin KA7OHZ                    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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  the right to choose how many arms you want, and the militia clause
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