On 2014-12-05 07:56, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 05.12.2014 um 16:47 schrieb Mike Grau:
On 12/05/2014 09:38 AM, Noel Butler wrote:

I see no problem, as like most developers if you cant reproduce it, then
its nothing to bother about, after all this time 2 ppl dont like a font
or whatever, your pissing up the wrong tree if you think I have a care
factor about changing things when i cant reproduce it. time to move
along ...

You're reproducing it for me ... e-mails from you have a hard-to-read
small font here also. Not from anyone else - just you

be careful or you end attacked and blacklisted as we still are because i did not
accept the personal attack and "you have no right to ask anybody" while playing
manner cop


Personally I'd blacklist the charming Mr. Ted Mittlestaedt, first. Until provoked Noel has been quite polite. I do respect that.


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