I'm running spam assassin on Fedora 21.  It installed fine and was working.  
Then I wanted to start creating procmail rules to move spam labeled email to 
different folders and SA broke.  I removed all the procmail configuration but 
SA is still broke.

When I start it on the command line I get the following: 

[root@myhost ~]# systemctl status spamassassin.service  -l
● spamassassin.service - Spamassassin daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/spamassassin.service; enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Wed 2015-03-11 23:21:16 EDT; 1 
day 9h ago
  Process: 1333 ExecStart=/usr/bin/spamd $SPAMDOPTIONS (code=exited, 
  Process: 1330 ExecStartPre=/sbin/portrelease spamd (code=exited, 
Main PID: 1333 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Mar 11 23:21:16 myhost spamd[1335]: spamd: server pid: 1335
Mar 11 23:21:16 myhost spamd[1335]: spamd: server successfully spawned child 
process, pid 1336
Mar 11 23:21:16 mahost spamd[1335]: spamd: server successfully spawned child 
process, pid 1337
Mar 11 23:21:16 myhost spamd[1335]: prefork: child states: IS
Mar 11 23:21:16 myhost spamd[1335]: prefork: child states: II
Mar 11 23:21:16 myhost systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for 
Mar 11 23:21:16 myhost systemd[1]: Failed to start Spamassassin daemon.
Mar 11 23:21:16 mahost systemd[1]: Unit spamassassin.service entered failed 

Mar 11 23:21:16 myhost systemd[1]: spamassassin.service failed.

Here is a snippet from /var/log/messages

Mar 13 14:01:01 myhost systemd: Received SIGRTMIN+24 from PID 4284 (kill).
Mar 13 14:46:53 myhost systemd: start request repeated too quickly for 
Mar 13 14:46:53 myhost systemd: Failed to start Spamassassin daemon.
Mar 13 14:46:53 myhost systemd: Unit spamassassin.service entered failed state.
Mar 13 14:46:53 mahost systemd: spamassassin.service failed.

Any idea what the problem is?

Thanks in advance.

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