On 2015-05-25 09:43 +0200, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

Ian> But, in fact I already have a cronjob running "sa-learn
Ian> --force-expire".  The reason I would prefer to remove it (and so
Ian> the reason for my original post) is that it does a journal sync as
Ian> well, which I didn't intend and which interferes with other things.

Matus> what other things? Journal is here to fasten database updates,
Matus> not to avoid database writes. too big journal slows things down.

Matus> The main reason to use manual expire is to avoid ocassional
Matus> delays with automatic expire noted in the bugreport you posted
Matus> link to.

Matus> so, again, what are reasons you want to avoid journal syncs?

I do the database updates in a batch fashion, learning each input
message with --no-sync, then doing a --sync at the end.  This --sync
cannot wait too long because I want to defend against current spam.
That is, it cannot wait as long as the typical time between expires.
But if an explicit expiry happens to run at the same time, the result is
a mess.

Of course there is a simple solution, have a single job which decides by
itself if it's time to expire or not, rather than rely on the cron
schedule.  But it seemed to me that the two tasks were independent and
so should be in separate jobs.  As it was explained in the other
subthread, I was wrong with that assumption.


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