Am 17.09.2015 um 14:26 schrieb Vikram Goyal:
I have a requirement as per subject.

I created a test rule, as following:

# Add header
header __Spl_Subject    Subject =~ /.*(Chk hdr TTgre7U).*/i
meta GMAIL_TAGS (( __Spl_Subject) > 0)
add_header all X-Tag-Type P
describe GMAIL_TAGS Manual: add/modify gmail tags
priority GMAIL_TAGS -5000

The rule matches as I checked it against a mail with the matching
subject line.

But the rule didn't add a custom header to the mail as mentioned in the
rule. Also lint does not report any error. Could someone point me to
what I am missing?

how are you using SA?

with spamass-milter appearently not all add_header options works as expected (the case in our setup but we can live with it)

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