Bowie that was an excellent and definitive explanation of unix user and
virtual user.   My google searches did not come close to presenting that
information.  I can set up a few more more domains and associated "virtual"
users along with multiples of users associated with any one domain.  Also I
think I should go back and read some docs again with "virtual user" in

On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 12:30 PM, Bowie Bailey <> wrote:

> On 2/17/2016 2:08 PM, Amanda Giarla wrote:
>> Please note that I am working on Training Server not a working server.
>> My mission is to learn how all of the packages work together.
>> There are many - spamassassin, exim, dovecot, clamav, roundcube to name a
>> few
>> It was suggested that I set up a spamassassin user_prefs file.
>> AND so I have been taking steps to do just that.
>> The feedback seems to express it is not possible.
>> As I write this I have to confess I do not know the difference between a
>> "unix user" and a "virtual user".
>> Will have to look into that notion.
> A "unix user" is one that is defined in the /etc/passwd file and has a
> unique UID.  A "virtual user" has their own mail directory and frequently
> has their own home directory, but all of the files for all of the virtual
> users are owned by a single unix user.
> In the VestaCP control panel I can create a user (which ends up as
>> /home/clientName) with a valid FQD name.  I can send email to the user. The
>> user can pull up the RoundCube email client and see and read the emails.  I
>> can send the GTUBE spam
>> message and the message gets marked as SPAM and dropped in the junk email
>> box. I was trying to set up a blacklist so
>> that the user could enter email-addresses to stop receiving email form.
> In that case, create a couple of different users and send them emails.
> Take a look at where in the filesystem those emails are delivered and who
> owns the files.  That will give you a clue how the system is configured.
> --
> Bowie

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