On Fri, 20 Jan 2017 17:26:01 -0000, Bill Keenan <developerli...@wjkeenan.org> wrote:

What is the fix needed so /usr/bin/sa-update starts getting updates? I too have not received an update from updates.spamassassin.org <http://updates.spamassassin.org/> since 1-Jan-17.

Besides updates.spamassassin.org <http://updates.spamassassin.org/>, what other rule sets are commonly used? Hundreds of spam messages are getting through with only updates.spamassassin.org <http://updates.spamassassin.org/> rules.

This seems like a good time to mention https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/NightlyMassCheck

If more people can contribute, even just a small corpora of mail, then updates will be published more frequently. At the moment a very small number of people provide data, meaning there is very little margin for error.

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