On Tue, 4 Jul 2017 08:45:09 -0700
Marc Perkel <supp...@junkemailfilter.com> wrote:
> However ...
> I have no hard information and I don't actually know what happened but
> something extraordinary occurred and it is so easy to want to declare
> victory, but the easiest person to fool is myself and I would like to
> see a doctor with a before and after image showing the cancer gone. I
> don't have that and I'm not going to get it soon. So - stunned
> disbelief is as good as it gets, for now.

So, It's been about a month, was your attempt successful?

> The implications are stunning. If this did work it could work for any
> cancer for anyone. It's all low tech off the shelf stuff where the
> secret sauce is timing and partial radiation of the tumor. Did I find
> the cure for cancer? Might be a Nobel Prize in it for me and a movie
> about my life.

Or the big drug companies sue you for practising medicine without a
license (aka we want a huge cut and the credit), and you windup on TV as
one of the stars in "Americas Most Wanted".

Still keep those positive thoughts going!


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