2011/10/25 Robert-Jean Denault <robert-jean.dena...@telus.com>
> I am upgrading our SVN repository from version 1.6.3 (r38063) to version 
> 1.7.0 (r1176462).
> I am using svnadmin dump (1.6.3), and svnadmin load (1.7.0)  to upgrade the 
> contents of the repository, and have run into the following issue.  The load 
> operation fails with the following message
> svnadmin: E125005: Invalid property value found in dumpstream; consider 
> repairing the source or using --bypass-prop-validation while loading.
> svnadmin: E125005: Cannot accept non-LF line endings in 'svn:log' property
> I can load the repository contents using the --bypass-prop-validation.  If I 
> create a new  dump of this new version 1.7 repository, and attempt to reload 
> it using version 1.7  of svnadmin I get the same error.

I do not know whether anything can be done during dump/load time, but
note that svn:log is an unversioned property that stores commit
message for a revision, and you can change it at any time using

svn propset --revprop -r

(or svn propedit)

Note, that you need to create a pre-revprop-change hook to allow such changes.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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