On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 10:20:54AM -0500, Andrew Reedick wrote:
> It makes me wonder if it would make sense to slap a
> higher-level interface on top of svn in order to implement the process
> aspects of version control (and otherwise hide/keep the lower level
> details/quirks away from users.)

Yes, that makes sense.

Subversion doesn't know anything about process. It only cares about
version control. Process aspects are left to higher-level tools.

For example, Subversion is often tied to an issue tracker, with a
pre-commit hook that requires an issue number in the log message
and then checks the status if the issue to decide whether the
commit should be allowed according to policy.

Or people use hook scripts such as this one:

I've also seen custom Subversion clients written to support a
particular process.

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