On 05/11/2013 08:25 PM, Thorsten Schöning wrote:
I have a repo for binaries of one of our software which doesn't need
installation, which gets directly deployed to our customers. Each
customer is something like a branch or tag and some of the customers
are grouped for some reason, sharing the same parent directories,
share the same access rights etc.

That's not exactly a development branch, but a directory tree. Subversion excels at versioning directory trees.

Some of my repos contain web
applications installed on different servers, again directly deployed
as working copies and again different installations on the same server
are grouped together under the same server name.

I have only little experience with git almost a year ago, but what I
remember is that git does support tags and branches and neither of
those could be structured in any way, git only allowed one level for
tags and branches.

Tags/branches aren't directories which need to be organized in a deep hierarchical structure.

A branch, as implemented by git, is similar to the feature branches approach mentioned in the manual, but properly supported by the SCM system.


Wit Git, when a branch is created it is expected to have a finite lifespan, which is supposed to end either by being merged with the trunk or being deleted, without leaving any trace on the versioning history.

A tag is nothing but a pointer to a particular point in the repo's history.


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