On Tue, May 21, 2013 at 12:50 PM, Andrew Reedick
<andrew.reed...@cbeyond.net> wrote:
>> What do you mean by "spurious" log entries? When I look at the log (at
>> least in the tsvn log viewer) I only see revisions that have changes on
>> that path. I don't see every revision number unless I go to the project
>> root path or repository root path.
> 1. Create /tags/tag1, /tags/tag2, etc..
> 2. Pretend that your tag1, tag2, etc. dirs are immutable, static, locked 
> down, and haven't be touched in months.
> 3. svn log -v --stop-on-copy ^/tags/tag1
>    svn log -v --stop-on-copy ^/tags/tag2
>    etc.
> 4. # Move your tags dir under a project1 dir
>    svn mv -m "" --parents ^/tags ^/project1/tags

What operation would this correspond to in a VCS that had 'first
class' tags?  Should svn disallow it to emulate them?

> Ooops.  All of your immutable, static, locked down, haven't been touched in 
> months tags now have a new revision, and they all share that revision in 
> common.  The parent dir change from "/tags" to "/project1/tags" is visible 
> under the tag1, tag2, etc. baselines because svn doesn't know that 
> "^/project1/tags" isn't/shouldn't be part of your "tag1", "tag2", etc. 
> baselines.
> However, the Last Changed Revision of the tag1, tag2, etc. dirs doesn't 
> change, so the effect is mostly visual.

Isn't it really just an artifact of using --stop-on-copy to mean
something it doesn't quite mean - or more practically an artifact of
having done a copy that might have been avoided with better planning
or conventions?  Is there some documentation that recommends moving
the parent location of the tags after creating them?  And again, in a
practical sense, would you prefer for subversion to have disallowed
that move?  Or can you at least acknowledge that it didn't force you
to do it?

    Les Mikesell

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