Volker Cordes wrote on Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 18:47:17 +0100:
> Am 13.01.2017 um 15:47 schrieb Daniel Shahaf:
> > Volker Cordes wrote on Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 10:51:19 +0100:
> >> Hello,
> >>
> >> I have set up path based authorization on a repository. If I check out
> >> the project, everything works as expected. My problem however is, that
> >> if I change permissions of a file / path and then update the working
> >> copy the files I should have no longer access to are still there. Is
> >> there a way of updating the working copy so that permissions are
> >> rechecked?
> > 'Update' does recheck permissions (that's done server-side and cannot be
> > opted out of).  There ought to be some other difference.  Maybe the
> > authz'd files have local mods so they weren't deleted from the tree
> > ('svn st' will show '?').  Maybe the two working copies (old and new)
> > don't use the same username or don't come from the same URL.
> that's it than. I'm changing the username during the update with "svn up
> --username=...". Is there any way to recheck permissions in that case?

"Permission checks" cannot be bypassed or disabled by the client.

However, I overlooked a detail earlier.  While 'svn up' will remove
a file that had been made authz-unreadable, that will only happen after
the next change to the file.  Until the next time the file is modified,
a working copy that has the file will retain it.

You can force the file to be discarded with
    svn up -r0 file
    svn cleanup
and then a following 'svn up' won't restore it.  (The 'cleanup' is only
to remove the file from the pristine store.)



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