I have Libreoffice and when I seek for updates it says, Libreoffice is 
already updated. Could it be that your version ( is some kind of 
beta-version, that means experimental and should not be used for serious work? 
I usually haven't had any problems with beta-versions but it may be safer to 
use the latest recommended version, which, at present, is not Any 
other explanation I don't have at the moment, others may have though.

Is OpenOffice still installed, or did you remove absolutely everything from 
that installation? Even the user/your name/Appdata/Roaming?

----- Original message -----
Från: Peter <pe...@4info.se>
Till: users@sv.libreoffice.org
Ärende: [sv-users] Problem opening files
Datum: måndag den 2021-02-22 15:38

Running Dell laptop with Windows 10, 64bits, Swedish version

I can't open doc or xls -files and gets a faulty message, but files 
saved in odt works fine. Privies upgrading of Libreoffice behaved in the 
same way for a while, but suddenly worked fine. This upgrade to (x64), I have tried to use fore some weeks but the same 
problem all the time.

This computer earlier used OpenOffice, but I found Libreoffice better 
and switched over some years ago. The Microsoft office version have 
never been used but there was a pre-installed offer.

I need help with function.



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