On Thu, 29 Oct 2015 20:40:29 -0200, Paul Stanton <pa...@mapshed.com.au> wrote:

further, it is not the 'save' that javassistifies the object, it is 'session.load' ! so if you do a session.load(id) and a criteria.list() which returns the same entity, the list will contain a javassisted version of the object, which doesn't play nice with tapestry.grid. using 'get' instead of 'load' seems to avoid this.

Good catch. I've always used Session.get() instead of Session.load(). I do remember having a similar problem in the past. I recall fixing it by getting the entity superclass (the original unchanged entity class) and then using GridDataSource to create a BeanModel to pass to the model parameter of Grid. You could even decorate or advice GridDataSource for doing this automatically every time you see a class which looks like something generated by Hibernate with Javassist. Your class name was com.example.MyEntity_$$_jvst648_1, so I'd check whether the class name has "_$$_ on it.

On 30/10/2015 9:13 AM, Paul Stanton wrote:
Hi Thiago,

Using 'merge' instead of 'save' does not resolve the issue. I still have to evict.

On 29/10/2015 11:04 PM, Thiago H de Paula Figueiredo wrote:
On Thu, 29 Oct 2015 07:23:07 -0200, Paul Stanton <pa...@mapshed.com.au> wrote:

I have found an issue I believe with tapestery (grid component in this case) where it cannot inspect details of hibernate 'enhanced' objects. This happens when I save an object to the database and then query it out again - the instance is returned from cache as a botched/modified javassist version. I believe I can 'evict' between the save and the query, or close/open a new session to avoid this. Will report back.

How are you saving the object in first place? The most recommended way is using object = session.merge(object), not session.save(object).

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Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
Tapestry, Java and Hibernate consultant and developer

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