2013/1/30 Vlaeminck, Dries <dries.vlaemi...@delawareconsulting.com>:
> Hello all,
> I am currently working for a client on a problem concerning authentication on 
> a Tomcat server, by first logging in on a remote ISA-server.

1. What is your exact version of Tomcat, x.y.z?

> The problem is as follows (usernames, passwords and domains are replaced by 
> dummies or blancs, for obvious security concerns :) ):
> On the Tomcat server, there is an application of OpenText. For this 
> application, we defined the login-config as:
> <login-config>
>                 <auth-method>BASIC</auth-method>
>                 <realm-name>test.dmz</realm-name>

2. Is it written as above, or you have extra new lines in the
"realm-name" value above?

> </login-config>
> In the configuration of Tomcat, in the server.xml file, we defined the realm 
> as follows:
> <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm" debug="99"
>                 connectionURL="..."
>                 alternateURL="..."
>                 connectionName="...<mailto:svc_opentext_p...@isoext.dmz>"

3. The above is strange. XML does not allow to use "<", ">" (or at
least one of those two) in an attribute value.

>                 connectionPassword="..."
>                 referrals="follow"
>                 userBase="DC=test,DC=dmz"
>                 userSearch="(sAMAccountName={0})"
>                 userSubtree="true"
>                 roleBase="DC=test,DC=dmz"
>                 roleName="cn"
>                 roleSearch="(member={0})"
>                 roleSubtree="false"
> \>
> The problem with this, is that the query for the sAMAccountName on the 
> LDAP-server doesn't return a valid user.
> In the header of the request, the credentials of the user are specified as: 
> "test.dmz\aelz:123Test"
> After debugging and packet analysis, we found out that the query was checking 
> if there was a sAMAccountName which equals "test.dmz lz".
> The problem is that the token {0}, which is filled in automatically by Tomcat 
> using the credentials from the HTTPS-header, contains a backslash after the 
> domain.

4. You mean an HTTP header.
Why such a value? The BASIC authentication is a well-known protocol.
What is your browser?

> However, we cannot change the ISA-server settings to prevent this, as other 
> servers depend on this manner of identification.
> My question now is:
> Does anybody know if we can "intercept" the token and escape the backslash or 
> even better substring the username from that token?

5. If you wouldn't find a better way, a Valve can do it.

> Or are there alternatives to this "{0}" token?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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