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Anil Goyal -X (anigoyal - Aricent Technologies at Cisco) wrote:
Thanks for the reply Andre.....

Let me explain you in detail.
Let's suppose we have two applications App1.war and App2.war, deployed in 
webapps of tomcat.
Now I want only App2 to listen additionally on a separate connector port(lets 
suppose 8181)  along with port 8080 to which it is already listen.
But I want App1 to listen only on port 8080 not on port 8181.

So what I did, I create a new service in tomcat with name 'catalina_new' and 
appBase='webapps_new' and I add a connector port 8181 in this.
Now I deploy my App2.war in webapps_new.
So after restart the tomcat, I am able to make App2 to listen on port 8080 as 
well as port 8181(since App2.war is present in both webapps and webapps_new), 
and App1 is listen on only port 8080.
Till now, everything was fine.

Now I do not want to have a separate appBase for service 'catalina_new', means 
I want appBase='webapps' for service 'catalina_new' as well
So by doing this change, my App1 also starts listen on port 8181 which is not 
So what can I do to make only App2 to listen on new port under new service with 'appBase=webapps'
Hope you understand my query now!

I do understand, approximately. But honestly, your way of thinking about this is different from mine, and I have some trouble following your idea. This may also be because my knowledge of the inner workings of Tomcat is limited, and I am not even sure that what you are currently doing is even supposed to work.

In my understanding, what is "listening" on a given port is not a webapp, it is 
Tomcat accepts a connection on one of the ports that it is listening to, through one of the Connector elements of that Tomcat.
(Until now, the webapps are not involved at all)
Then Tomcat allocates this connection to a Thread, to process the HTTP request which has been written by the client to that connection. Then the Thread reads the HTTP request line sent by the client, and the HTTP request header lines.
(Until now, the webapps are not involved at all)
Then the Thread reads the "Host:" header line in that request, and determines to which <Host> this request is addressed. Then the Thread loads the appropriate configuration for that <Host>, before processing the request any further.
(Until now, the webapps are still not involved at all)
*Now* the Thread knows that for this <Host>, the active applications are located somewhere, and it knows to which "context path" each application should be answering. So *now* the Thread can call the appropriate webapp and give it the incoming request to process.
So *now* one of the active webapps is involved.
And at this point, it could be any webapp that is active within that <Host>.

What I am trying to say, is that the selection of the port on which a request comes in is not controlled by the webapp, and cannot be. It is done much earlier in the cycle, and depends only on to which port the client connects and sends his request on. At the moment Tomcat accepts such a request, it does not know yet neither the <Host>, nor the webapp within the <Host>, which this client wants. And it cannot at that point decide to accept or refuse this request depending on which webapp it will ultimately go to, because it does not know that yet.

I must confess that I do not really know if your idea of doing this by having 2 <Service> elements in Tomcat may or may not provide a way to overcome this.
But to me, at this point, the idea seems a bit strange.

To say the truth, I don't even know if your basic idea to restrict the access to a webapp based on which port the request comes in, makes really sense for what your basic issue is. But if that is really the issue, then I would do this on the base of a servlet filter configured for that webapp. You could probably use the urlrewrite filter (http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/) for that, which would be much easier than your current setup.

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