I have been trying three scenarios. So far one works (least security and not 
good for all OS versions).
Again thanks to both Marks for the pointers, but I am afraid they are not 
working yet.

My goal is to enable one directory to be used which is outside the application 
(and tomcat too)
   .../webapps/mywebapp  hierarchy
   which mywebapp.war will replace with a new release

  use 1: to store/retrieve images locally to a machine
         under application control (db stores names of files)
  use 2: to store a static movie - demo (no update - this is the simple test 
case I try)

The goal is to get this stuff out of the war file (leaving nothing, an empty 
dir, or a link as needed - see below).  All of the below require apache/tomcat 
to be down when you make the changes, then restart to test

a) IF you have linux (or unix) or osx - you can do symbolic linking
    simply move the directory and link (my case below):
    cd ..../webapps/mywebapp; mv images /opt; ln -s /opt/images

  and to enable symbolic linking to other directories on your machine (all of 

  create a ..../webapps/mywebapp/META-INF/context.xml file (or edit the one you 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context allowLinking="true"> </Context>

  advantages for this method: works simply
  faults:    MS os's don't do symbolic; also opens up ALL linking (security 
issues? probably)

 BUT THERE ARE 2 other SAFER more restrictive ways below, both also done in
  the same  context.xml file (if I can get either of them to work - the 
examples often say the server.xml file, but there is only one of them in the 
top tomcat conf directory, which has NO context references - but if they go 
there, then path= probably needs to be specified.)


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context aliases="/images=/opt/images" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<Context   <Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.VirtualDirContext"
                      extraResourcePaths="/images=/opt/images" />

These are both more security conscious and might should work for MS
 (with MS correct paths such as d:\images)

Which of these is simpler and/or better - I have no idea.  Net comparisons 
don't say.
  but the VirtualDirContext.html pages say: DO NOT USE FOR PRODUCTION 
  of course- they don't say why NOT
Why both require the escaped greater than sign, beats me too. "/>"
  I would have thought it would be simply ">" on the 2nd and 3rd lines resp. (b 
and c)

NEITHER OF THESE WORKED FOR ME! (so far and I have tried many variants)

 Do I have to have the symbolic link (in Linux - I did for a) obviously)  
     or should this be a plain empty directories (like Linux/Unix mount points)
     or should there be no "../webapps/myapp/images" anything at all?

In the manual version there are more parameters, but most folks say to drop


and the rest seem to not be relevant to what I am doing so I cut them out. 
Maybe that is the problem.

Here is the example I found under VirtualDirContext online

<Context path="/mywebapp" docBase="/Users/theuser/mywebapp/src/main/webapp" >
<Resources className="org.apache.naming.resources.VirtualDirContext"
<Loader className="org.apache.catalina.loader.VirtualWebappLoader" 
virtualClasspath="/Users/theuser/mywebapp/target/classes" />
<JarScanner scanAllDirectories="true" />

On Sunday, December 15, 2013 7:39 PM, Christopher Schultz 
<ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
Hash: SHA256


On 12/15/13, 4:52 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:
> Mark I assume you're referring to Virtual DirContext...? <Context
> path="/mywebapp" docBase="/Users/theuser/mywebapp/src/main/webapp"
> >

You shouldn't use the "path" attribute, here. You should know this.

> <Resources
> className="org.apache.naming.resources.VirtualDirContext"
> extraResourcePaths="/WEB-INF/classes=/Users/theuser/mywebapp/target/classes,/pictures=/Users/theuser/mypictures,/movies=/Users/theuser/mymovies"/>

is not necessary, but it is one option.

- -chris
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