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On 23/01/2014 15:25, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> On 1/23/14, 10:17 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 23/01/2014 15:11, Christopher Schultz wrote:

>>> If that's true, then the Digester should be using the public 
>>> namespace id of the schema and ignoring the (incomplete) URL 
>>> provided by the XML document in order to locate the Schema in 
>>> the local catalog. (I inadvertently said "system id" in my 
>>> previous message, but I meant public namespace id... that is, 
>>> "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee";).

There are a couple of difficulties with that.

1. The namespace does not identify a single schema - it is associated
with several.

2. The namespace is not available to the EntityResolver.

>>> Given the XML document in the original post, what is causing 
>>> Tomcat /not/ to load that local XML Schema?
>> The way the new custom resolver is written. As per my original 
>> response, we could look at better handling for this case. I'd
>> need to go back to the archives and research if there is a reason
>> for the current behaviour.
> Okay. Having written a few custom resolvers for just this purpose,
> I recall them being a total PITA to get right.

The resolver only has the incomplete location
"web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd" to work with. Such a location is normally
resolved as relative to the location of the document using it. Since
the document containing this reference is a TLD in a web app, that
isn't going to work unless the schemas are located alongside the TLDs.

Given that later versions of the standard tag libraries use an
absolute location of
"http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd"; (which
Tomcat recognises and directs the parser to its local copy) I'm minded
to view this as an implementation bug in that tag library that can be
worked around by disabling TLD validation.

We could take the view that if we see a location of
"web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd" (or any other schema name in the j2ee
namespace) we can assume it is a j2ee schema and resolve it as such.
As long as this is a fall-back position (i.e. the relative to current
resource location is checked first) then I don't think there is any
risk associated with it.

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