2014/1/24 Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org>:
> On 23/01/2014 15:25, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>> On 1/23/14, 10:17 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>> On 23/01/2014 15:11, Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>>> If that's true, then the Digester should be using the public
>>>> namespace id of the schema and ignoring the (incomplete) URL
>>>> provided by the XML document in order to locate the Schema in
>>>> the local catalog. (I inadvertently said "system id" in my
>>>> previous message, but I meant public namespace id... that is,
>>>> "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee";).
> There are a couple of difficulties with that.
> 1. The namespace does not identify a single schema - it is associated
> with several.
> 2. The namespace is not available to the EntityResolver.
>>>> Given the XML document in the original post, what is causing
>>>> Tomcat /not/ to load that local XML Schema?
>>> The way the new custom resolver is written. As per my original
>>> response, we could look at better handling for this case. I'd
>>> need to go back to the archives and research if there is a reason
>>> for the current behaviour.
>> Okay. Having written a few custom resolvers for just this purpose,
>> I recall them being a total PITA to get right.
> The resolver only has the incomplete location
> "web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd" to work with. Such a location is normally
> resolved as relative to the location of the document using it. Since
> the document containing this reference is a TLD in a web app, that
> isn't going to work unless the schemas are located alongside the TLDs.
> Given that later versions of the standard tag libraries use an
> absolute location of
> "http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd"; (which
> Tomcat recognises and directs the parser to its local copy) I'm minded
> to view this as an implementation bug in that tag library that can be
> worked around by disabling TLD validation.
> We could take the view that if we see a location of
> "web-jsptaglibrary_2_0.xsd" (or any other schema name in the j2ee
> namespace) we can assume it is a j2ee schema and resolve it as such.
> As long as this is a fall-back position (i.e. the relative to current
> resource location is checked first) then I don't think there is any
> risk associated with it.


Personally, I feel safer to use our local copy of the schema over one
loaded from elsewhere.
I suspect that if needed our schemas can be overwritten by placing
unpacked resources into ${catalina.base}/lib.

AFAIR from debugging,  loading a schema for web.xml involves loading a
dozen of xsd resources. This loading is repeated for each
web-fragment.xml. I wonder whether such Schema objects could be

(Given that such loading is performed internally by XML processor in
JRE, I do not see an easy way here.
A possible way is that it is possible to create a
javax.xml.validation.Schema explicitly and explicitly perform
Schema.newValidator().validate(...) on the document).

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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