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On 3/13/14, 3:24 AM, Clemens Wyss DEV wrote:
> Dear Christopher,
>> But you also don't know what you are doing If you don't help us

> again I appreciate your help and you definitely know more about 
> tomcat than I do. IMHO, I do help and I try to focus on what is 
> relevant. It doesn't make sense to put our million lines-of-code
> and log entries online, does it?

No. But instead, you might be able to copy/paste like 10 lines of the
log that shows what you are talking about.

> Follows an example of what we see: access.log (apache) ... [1]
> <!! hostname !!> - [13/Mar/2014:07:21:03 +0100] "GET
> /de/dialog-product-pdf.html?productGroupId=220 HTTP/1.1" 200 256
> "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1;
> +http://www.google.com/bot.html)" "-" [2] <!!
> hostname !!> - [13/Mar/2014:07:21:04 +0100] "GET
> /myinterfaces/webstatus/webstatus.xml HTTP/1.1" 404 27851 "-"
> "Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1" "$Version=0;
> JSESSIONID=E405CB1E766D20B4C0CE82106797ED3D; $Path=/" ...
> [1] (google bot) is accessing
> /de/dialog-product-pdf.html?productGroupId=220 [2]
> (our monitoring app/site) is accessing
> /myinterfaces/webstatus/webstatus.xml

Okay, everything looks good so far.

> app.log (tomcat, servlet) ... [1] 2014-03-13 07:21:04,155
> ajp-bio-8069-exec-9 WARN
> ch.mysign.cms.customized.CmsErrorHandler - HTTP error code '404'
> thrown for request '/myinterfaces/webstatus/webstatus.xml'.
> Message: Page not found! remote IP: '', IP-RegExp:
> '<!! Regex of IPs allowed !!>'

Okay, so this is your error handler checking the value of
request.getRemoteAddr() and throwing an error because the IP address
is not valid for that URL, right?

What code is generating this log message? Does Velocity have anything
to do with it? It's probably a red herring, honestly. Would it be
possible to get a stack trace of the place where you detect the error?
That would help figure out if there is a component where a problem
might occur.

How are you connecting httpd to Tomcat? What version of whatever are
you using?

> Does this help?

Yes. For instance, you never mentioned that you were using Apache
httpd in front of Tomcat before.

> We DO NOT manipulate any request-object (no setters, are there ;)) 
> and we DO NOT share a request-object accross requests. "Worst"
> that could (and does) happen is a request-object (in a
> velocitycontext) could be accessed for as long as a few minutes IF
> we spawn out a thread to handle a long running process ...
> rendering a pdf or alike.

You need to stop doing this. If you want to service a long-lived
request and allow the request-processing thread to go back into thread
pool, you must use a formal async API or Bad Things will happen. The
spec requires that a single thread handle the entire request when not
using async, and the container (Tomcat) assumes that the web
application is not playing games with the request, response, etc.
objects that are bound to the request.

If you are starting a new thread to generate a PDF but blocking the
request-processing thread waiting for it to complete, then you are
wasting time and resources with the second thread.

If I understand you correctly, you are making a mistake that can
corrupt your requests (and responses) at best and be a severe security
vulnerability at worst.

> What is(was) definitely new to me is the fact that the 
> HttpServletRequest-objects handed into the servlet are not
> immutable snapshots of the "point of entrance". Or am I wrong here
> too?

Tomcat re-uses Request and Response objects to reduce the amount of
heap-thrashing that would otherwise occur. Likewise, all the buffers
are re-used as well. If you enable RECYCLE_FACADES, then the objects
are NOT re-used, which significantly reduces the potential for a
security problem. It doesn't fix your application, though, which is
officially broken if it relies on request or response objects
outliving the time during which the request-processing thread has been
allocated to a particular request.

- -chris
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