
Question I have is that if I upload war file via manager app, where does it
go ?

It goes to appBase (e.g. direcotry "webapps") as war file, and if neither unpackWARs at <Host> element nor unpackWAR of Context element is set to "false", they are unpacked to the directory of the same name (e.g. webapps/ROOT.war is unpacked to directory webapps/ROOT).

I can understand that ROOT goes to the ROOT folder if I delete the root
folder, how about myapp.war ?

myapp.war will be extracted to directory myapp.

Does it go to work folder ?

All web applications are unpacked to appBase folder. Work folder is internal Tomcat folder.

On 12.9.2014 4:22, Kiran Badi wrote:
However I have another application which I will be deploying in the same

This will be basically myapp2.war ,so how do I manage this deployment so
that whenever someones gives, it should open up ?

I assume we cannot have 2 root deployment in the same tomcat.

You need to create two webapps directories, e.g. "webapps-myapp1" and "webapps-myapp2", and configure two <Host> elements in server.xml accordignly, e.g.:

  <Host name="" appBase="webapps-myapp1" ...>
  <Host name="" appBase="webapps-myapp2" ...>

Then you may deploy two ROOT.war files to two different webapps folders.

If you want to use Manager application for each of your virtual hosts you need to copy directory webapps/manager/ to both webapps-myapp1/manager/ and webapps-myapp2/manager/.


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