>> Yeah, that document is evidently a pack of lies. Specifically,
>> the "path" and "docbase" attributes in <Context> are ignored in
>> META-INF/context.xml files, and you really shouldn't have your
>> <Context> anywhere else (except in
>> conf/[engine]/[host]/[appname].xml, which behaves almost the same
>> way).
>> Best thing to do is to name the web application the same as where
>> you want it to be deployed and not try to re-write anything.
>> Is there a particular reason you want to map / to /share instead
>> of /share to /share?
> Ease of use and it worked in a previous installment.

I think this goes against what you are saying in the above text but, I just got 
a reply from the alfresco mailinglist. Here is what was said:

The way we got around this was to just tell tomcat to deploy Share at / (ROOT) 
as well as at /share.  To do that, we added the following line to the very end 
of our tomcat server.xml file (5 lines from the end, just before the line 
reading “</host>”):

        <Context path="" debug="0" docBase="share" />

I don’t know if that’s exactly the right way to go about it, but it’s worked 
well for us for about 4.5 years now.

I still have a concern with this as we have other sites that we need to access 
at the http://domain.tld level and it seems to me ( I could e understanding his 
solution wrong) that above solution will point all http(s)://domain.tld 
requests to /share. Am I misunderstanding his solution? 
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