--- Tim Funk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Personally - I like having apache in front of tomcat because I find it easier
> to do CGI, static content directory aliasing, and the volume of available 
> modules to be very convenient. It also allows my site to be up with a higher 
> uptime since I can restart / replace a tomcat and in those periods of 
> downtime - I can reconfigure apache to have an outage message.

Hi Tim.

And all of you out there. There is one thing that keeps bothering me. I AM a
configuration fanatic and when I build my own version of Apache (Tru64 UNIX, in
case anyone is screaming "use RPM!"), I tend to build it loaded with modules,
mod_jk1/2 included.

So, Apache is great if you need to support unusual authentication
methods/schemas (like SPNEGO), if you wish to run CGI (suexec is great) and if
you wish to support PHP.

Now, here we come to what bothers me. Apache 2.0 and 2.2 are multithreaded web
servers. Tomcat is also multithreaded, but it should be irrelevant to the
matter. mod_jk should behave nicely in multithreaded server. PHP, on the other
hand will degrade your Apache to run in pre-fork mode.

What is the performance penalty of such a situation? Is it still better to run
TC separately, in case of Apache hosting PHP?


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