(Hopefully, this isn't a duplicate post, but I sent the original a half-hour 
ago and I haven't seen it come back yet.)

Guys, it's been a long time since I did any work with AJP, but it looks like 
something I'll be implementing soon.
I have a couple of basic questions, mostly related to ProxyPassReverse, but 
also one related to SSL.

I know to turn on mod_proxy and mod_proxy_ajp and  a simple ProxyPass where the 
source and dest paths match, i.e. both are "/foo".  The question is if they 
differ.  The httpd docs give this example:

   Rewriting Proxied Path
   ProxyPass /apps/foo ajp://backend.example.com:8009/foo
   ProxyPassReverse /apps/foo http://www.example.com/foo

but don't mention if you need to turn on the RewriteEngine.
Also, the second line doesn't look correct.  Shouldn't it be 
Or maybe ajp://backend.example.com:8009/foo?

BTW: we don't seem to be able to get the example to work.
"ProxyPass /myapp ajp://localhost:8009/myapp"  works, but
"ProxyPass /app ajp://localhost:8009/myapp" does not work, and we've tried 
various iterations of ProxyPassReverse with it.

What's the best way to handle ROOT.war, assuming there are other webapps to 
deploy as well?
What if I don't want ROOT.war, but want to send / to a specific webapp?

SSL Question:
Since our web.xml is configured to redirect all requests to SSL in the 
<security-constraints> area, how does that effect the options that need to be 
supplied in the connector?  Right now, we just have the basic config as it 
comes in the initial conf.xml.

Sorry for being a newbie on this, but the last time I messed with Apache proxy 
was 4.0 and then I used JK.

Jeffrey Janner

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