Am 16.11.2015 um 14:56 schrieb David E. Filip:
In my experience, the most common explanation (but certainly not the only!) for 
an active webapp to be occasionally and sporadically running extremely slow, 
but run fine at other times, is running low on heap space.

If you have not already, I would suggest checking the Tomcat Server Status app 
(http://localhost:8080/manager/status) and determine if any of the heaps are 
filling up while you are experiencing this slowness.  If they are, your app 
could be spending too much time waiting for the garbage collector, and you will 
need to increase the heap size in your startup file.

On Nov 16, 2015, at 6:45 AM, Konstantin Kolinko <> wrote:

2015-11-16 12:22 GMT+03:00 Daniel Küppers <>:
i have a recurring issue, that tomcat caches my jsf webapp pages in a
strange manner.
Sometimes for multiple days/hours, one or two explict pages or the whole
webapp is loading very slowly.
My setup is a locally used tomcat 8.0.28 for debugging in Eclipse and a
local database.
The behaviour persists also after browser cache clearing and with different
Does anyone else have seen this behaviour before?
Do i miss a specific parameter?

Your problem is "one or two explict pages or the whole webapp is
loading very slowly".  Why are you blaming caching?

Stack trace when application behaves slowly =? Is it know what it
actually does at that time?

Is the clock on your server set correctly?
Is autoDeploy tuned off on a Host, or it wastes time checking for
changes of a war file?
Is Jasper (JspServlet) configured with development=false, or it wastes
time checking and recompiling the pages?

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Thanks for the replies. I will monitor the free heapspace from now on. If i see something that concludes to this problem, i'll let you know. For which exact Memory Pool i should have a watchout? Here are my current used loads:
- PS Eden Space: 89%
- PS Old Gen: 4%
- PS Survivor Space: 33%
I dont get a stacktrace when the app runs slowly. I also only get this issues when the configuration is in developing mode. It persists even restarts. Clock is set correctly, AutoDeploy is On, running in development mode (myFaces). I cant determine how Jasper should be configured.


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