I am integrating Tomcat with the IBM CLM 6.0.1 collaboration tools.  Per IBM's 
installation instructions, I downloaded and extracted Tomcat 7.0.59 to my 

I am successfully able to start the Tomcat server from the command line using 
the batch files provided by the IBM application (C:\Program 
Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer_601\server\server.startup.bat).  Tomcat starts as well 
as all of the IBM CLM applications.

The problem I'm having is when I try to configure tomcat to run as a Windows 
service.  I have followed the instructions provided by IBM:

1.       Set the environment variable CATALINA_HOME to C:\Program 

2.       Deleted existing tomcat7 services using:  sc delete tomcat7

3.       Re-booted the machine

4.       Installed the new tomcat service from the Tomcat bin directory:  
service.bat install tomcat7

5.       Configured the service using:  tomcat7w.exe

1.       Clicked "Java" tab

2.       Cleared "Use default" checkbox

3.       Added the following path to the Java Virtual machine:  C:\Program 

4.       Added the following lines to the end of the java Options text field:

5.       Cleared the following fields:

*         Initial memory pool

*         Maximum memory pool

*         Thread stack size

6.       In the Startup and Shutdown tabs, confirmed that "jvm" was selected 
for the "Mode" setting

When I try to start the service from Windows Services, I receive the following 

Windows could not start the Apache Tomcat 7.0 tomcat7 on Local Computer.  For 
more information, review the System Event Log.  If this is a non-Microsoft 
service, contact the service vendor and refer to service-specific error code 4.

When I look at the Windows Event Viewer, there is an error that corresponds to 
the time I tried to start the service:

The Apache Tomcat 7.0 tomcat7 service terminated with the following 
service-specific error:
The system cannot open the file.

The tomcat log file:  tomcat7-stderr.2016-01-12.log contains:
2016-01-12 08:35:10 Commons Daemon procrun stderr initialized
JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9gc27(2): Failed to instantiate 
heap; 4G requested

I have contacted IBM support but they have not provided me a solution at this 
point.  I thought I would submit here to see if it could be a Tomcat service 
issue specific to Windows.  Here is my host information:
Windows Server 2012 Standard
Processor:  Siz-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 8431 2.41 GHz
Installed Memory (RAM):  10.0 GB
System Type:  64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor

I also submitted a question to an IBM Jazz user forum and was told that the 
Windows Event viewer is indicating that the JVM cannot be started because it 
cannot find a file that is needed.  The user suggested that since my Tomcat and 
jvm are installed in "C:\Program Files" that perhaps it is a path issue.  I 
have checked all paths and have even changed all references to "PROGRA~1".  
When I installed the service, I ran the install from a Windows Command Prompt 
that I opened using "Run as Administrator".

Since Tomcat will start fine from the command line batch files, this is 
perplexing.  Has anyone ever run into this?

Thank you,
Becky McDermott

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