* Mac OS X 10.10.5; Tomcat 7.0.67, 8.0.30; Java 1.8.0_60
* RHEL 6 (Kernel 2.6.32); Tomcat 7.0.67; Java 1.8.0_60

Making an outgoing HTTPS connection from Axis2 client code living inside the 
war, I get a failure during the TLSv1.2 handshake saying “Could not generate DH 
keypair”. Unlike most examples I found online, there was no additional 
information about the key size. The same client code when run from a unit test 
using plain Java works just fine. Below are snippets of one difference I 
noticed with the Server key in the logs:

Running from within Tomcat:
*** ECDH ServerKeyExchange
Signature Algorithm SHA1withRSA
Server key: Sun EC public key, 256 bits
  public x coord: 
  public y coord: 
  parameters: secp256r1 [NIST P-256, X9.62 prime256v1] (1.2.840.10045.3.1.7)
http-bio-8080-exec-6, handling exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not 
generate DH keypair
%% Invalidated:  [Session-4, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384]
http-bio-8080-exec-6, SEND TLSv1.2 ALERT:  fatal, description = internal_error

Running from plain Java (within IntelliJ as a JUnit test in case that matters):
*** ECDH ServerKeyExchange
Signature Algorithm SHA1withRSA
Server key: EC Public Key
            X: 726ad077a87d97604c4507989bb1d6c4715ee23399e42543e19dc39048abe3cb
            Y: 904cde963f872bd32691e86565e6f0ab09ebf833ee93edd0200a9d81299410e2

*** ServerHelloDone
*** ECDHClientKeyExchange
ECDH Public value:  { 4, 19, 187, 197, 193, 165, 157, 121, 79, 161, 160, 25, 
239, 100, 105, 199, 101, 160, 54, 96, 128, 159, 61, 83, 144, 237, 233, 235, 
118, 100, 47, 50, 85, 98, 192, 79, 174, 211, 10, 218, 35, 207, 203, 3, 88, 41, 
100, 126, 223, 10, 139, 18, 101, 59, 243, 152, 125, 4, 241, 201, 153, 232, 172, 
74, 0 }
main, WRITE: TLSv1.2 Handshake, length = 70

Note the difference in the "Server key". Is Tomcat somehow intercepting the 
outgoing connection and handling it itself? If so, where would I configure the 
security settings for that type of connection? Everything I've been able to 
find relates to configuring Tomcat as the server not as the client for 
SSL/TLS-related things. Please let me know if there is more information that 
would help!

Thank you,
Dan Hrivnak

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