Am 09.04.2016 um 18:20 schrieb Christopher Schultz:
> Olaf,
> On 4/8/16 9:49 AM, Olaf Kock wrote:
> > I'm typically configuring a HTTPS end point in Apache httpd and
> > forward to tomcat. I feel that the documentation for explicit
> > cipher-choice in Apache httpd is a lot better (and more widespread
> > up to date) than for tomcat, but you definitely can correctly
> > configure it in tomcat as well.
> > I just hope you're not running as root in order to bind to port 443
> > - in that case you have different (and bigger) problems.
> More recent Tomcats support OpenSSL-style ciphersuite configuration
> (which means the the httpd documentation is valid for configuring the
> cipher suites). I don't think it's available in Tomcat 7, though.
> -chris
That's good news, and I'm definitely looking into this. Although my
personal preference is still to have httpd in front - if only for
mod_rewrite, offloading static content, taking care of binding
privileged ports and - in some installations - as load balancer. But
it's good to know that the options are there and the configuration is
similar in both cases.


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