
BLUF:  Thanks for your explanations and assistance.  I plan to follow up with 
the Log4J2 group.  My simple responses below.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 3:47 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

> On 21/07/2016 18:17, Berneburg, Cris wrote:
> > From: Mark Thomas []
> <snip/>
> > 
> > Used the Java Visual VM to pull a heap dump after the app
> > restart and GC.  Used Eclipse Memory Analyzer to analyze
> > the heap dumps.  Found the WebappClassLoader with started
> > == false and used Path to GC roots:
> > 
> > <classloader> org.apache.logging.log4j.core.jmx.LoggerContextAdminMBean ... 
> > com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.StandardMBeanIntrospector
> > 
> > <classloader> org.apache.logging.log4j.core.jmx.LoggerContextAdmin ... 
> > com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.StandardMBeanIntrospector
> > 
> > <classloader> org.apache.logging.log4j.core.jmx.StatusLoggerAdmin ... 
> > com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.StandardMBeanIntrospector
> The three above look problematic.
> > referent java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry ... java.lang.reflect.Proxy
> That should disappear once the problematic entries have been fixed
> > <classloader> $Proxy3 ... java.lang.reflect.Proxy
> That looks to be related to the previous GC root and should also
> disappear once the problematic entries are fixed.
> > referent java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry ... 
> > org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager
> > ... (many java.util.logging.*)
> Again, those will disappear once the issues are fixed. They are Tomcat's
> internal logging

Thanks for explaining those to me.

> > I don't see anything pointing back to our code.  With 
> > no previous experience with heap analysis on my part,
> > it looks to me to be due to Log4J2.
> Agreed.


> >  Changing the args for the call to LogManager.getLogger from
> Class<T> clazz to none made no appreciable difference.
> I wouldn't expect that to make any difference.
> >  (Did I somehow set up Log4J2 incorrectly to get it to misbehave?)
> I don't think so.

I wanted to make sure that holding onto class references wasn't a problem.  
Later I even replaced all the static vars with non-static locals as an 
experiment just in case ;-) and it made no diff.  Yeah, I know, you previously 
said that removing a static would not help, but I had to try anyway because I 
don't fully understand it all.  If there's a chance I did something goofy to 
cause the issue, I want to eliminate that possibility.

> >  Not sure what else I can do.  Report it to the Log4J2 dev group perhaps?
> Ask on their users' list. It may be that when you use log4j2 in a webapp
> there is some clean-up method you need to call from a
> ServletContextListener.

OK, I'll do that next after following up with the other folks in this group.

> >> One thing worth noting. Yourkit offers two types of heap dumps.
> >> You don't want YourKit's own. There is a JVM bug that prevents
> >> some GC roots from being shown in that format and if your leak
> >> traces back to one of those you can end up scratching your head
> >> for days.
> >>
> >> Mark
> > 
> > 
> > Is there a likely chance that the bug interfered with my usage of
> > Java Visual VM and Eclipse Memory Analyzer and thus prevented me
> > from determining the real problem source?
> No. The bug just hides GC roots. If the only GC roots you see are for
> weak references then you might have hit this bug.

Ah good, that's a relief and good to know.


Cris Berneburg
CACI Lead Software Engineer

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