On 28.11.2016 20:34, Jaaz Portal wrote:
hi mark,
yes, i understand now what slowloris attack is.
maybe it was this maybe *this one based on * * mod_proxy denial of service *
CVE-2014-0117 <http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0117>

You keep on saying this, but the description of that vulnerability of *Apache httpd*, and the symptoms which you described, *do not match*. You described the problem as ocurring in Apache tomcat, which in your case is sitting as a back-end, *behind* Apache httpd. And restarting tomcat cured the problem.

The CVE above applies to Apache httpd, and describes how an attacker could attack Apache httpd and cause *its children* processes to crash (the children processes of Apache httpd), by leading them to consume a lot of memory and crash with an out-of-memory error. Granted, the problem occurred in the mod_proxy module of Apache httpd; but it was httpd which crashed, not tomcat. And tomcat processes are not "Apache httpd children processes" in any understanding of the term.

As far as I remember, you never mentioned Apache httpd crashing. You mentioned "the pool" getting full or satured or something like that, without ever describing properly what you meant by "the pool".

As far as I am concerned, according to all the relatively unspecific information which you have previously provided : 1) the attack - if that is what it is/was - is definitely NOT related to the CVE which you have repeatedly mentioned 2) it is apparently not a "classical" DoS or "slowloris DoS" directed at your front-end Apache. Instead, it seems that the requests are properly received by Apache, properly decoded by Apache, and then whatever Apache proxy module you are using (mod_proxy_http, mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk) is properly forwarding these requests to a back-end tomcat; and it is at the level of that back-end tomcat that the requests never seem to end, and in the end paralyse your tomcat server (and later on maybe your Apache httpd server too, because it is also waiting for tomcat to respond).

So your very way of describing the problem, in terms of "first we used this proxy module, and then they exploited the vulnerability so and so; then we changed the proxy module, and they exploited that too; etc.." seems to not have anything to do with the problem per se, and (I believe) confuses everyone, including yourself.

It is not that "they" exploited different vulnerabilities of various httpd proxy modules, one after the other. Each of these proxy modules was doing its job properly, and forwarding valid HTTP requests properly to tomcat. When you changed from one proxy module to another, you did not really change anything in that respect, because any proxy module would do the same.

But in all cases, what did not change, was the tomcat behind the front-end, and the application running on that tomcat. So the presumed attackers did not have to change anything, they just kept on sending the same requests, because they were really targeting your back-end tomcat or the tomcat application in it, no matter /how/ you were forwarding requests from Apache httpd to tomcat.

So either it is tomcat itself, which has a problem with some request URLs which do not bother Apache httpd (possible, but statistically unlikely), or it is the application which runs in tomcat that has such a problem (statistically, much more likely).

we do not know yet

we have setup more logging and are waiting for them to attack once again

Yes, that is the right thing to do. Before deciding what the problem may be, and what you can do about it, the first thing you need is *data*. You need to know
- which request URL(s?) cause that problem
- which IPs these requests come from (always the same ? multiple IPs that change all the time ? how many ? can these IPs be valid/expected clients or not ? do these IPs look like some "coordinated group" ?)
- how many such requests there may be during some period of time (10, 100, 
1000, more ?)
- if these URLs result in passing the request to tomcat
- what tomcat application (if any) they are directed to
- if so, when that application receives such a request, what is it supposed to do ? does it do it properly ? how long does it need, to respond to such a request ?

You also need to ask yourself a question : is the application which you run inside tomcat something that you designed yourself (and which hackers are unlikely to know well-enough to find such a URL which paralyses your server) ? or is it some well-known third-party java application which you are running (and for which would-be attackers would be much more likely to know exactly such a bug) ?

anyway, thank you for all informations, it was very useful and educational
reading for all of us

best wishes,

2016-11-28 19:46 GMT+01:00 Mark Eggers <its_toas...@yahoo.com.invalid>:


On 11/27/2016 2:46 PM, André Warnier (tomcat) wrote:
On 27.11.2016 19:03, Jaaz Portal wrote:
2016-11-27 18:30 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com>:

On 27.11.2016 14:26, Jaaz Portal wrote:

everything i know so far is just this single log line that appeared in
apache error.log

[Fri Nov 25 13:08:00.647835 2016] [mpm_event:error] [pid 13385:tid
92] AH00484: server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting, consider
equestWorkers setting

there was nothing else, just this strange line

This is not a "strange" line. It is telling you something.
One problem is that you seem convinced in advance, without serious
that there is a "bug" or a vulnerability in httpd or tomcat.
Read the explanation of the httpd parameter, here :
and try to understand it.

I understand it very well. We are serving no more that 500 clients per
so there was no other option that some kind of attack.

About the "bug" or "vulnerability" : a webserver is supposed to serve
requests from clients.  That is what you expect of it. It has no
choice but
to accept any client connection and request, up to the maximum it can
handle considering its configuration and the capacity of the system on
which it runs. That is not a bug, it is a feature.

We have some weeks ago come under attack from some Polish group. It was
first bind that was DoS'ed, we was running on stable Debian so i updated
bind to latest version. It did not helped. They has dos'ed it so we
switched to other dns provider. That has helped.

Then they exploited some well know vulnerability in mod_proxy. We have
updated apache to the latest but again they has exploited it, so we have
switched to mod_jk. And then guess what. They exploited it too so i
to write to this list looking for help before trying jetty.

The normal Apache httpd access log, will log a request only when it is
finished.  If the request never finishes, it will not get logged.
That may be why you do not see these requests in the log.
But have a look at this Apache httpd module :

ok, thanks, will take care

Note : that is also why I was telling you to enable the mod_jk log,
and to
examine it.
Because mod_jk will also log information before the request produces a

and server hanged.

Again, /what/ is "hanged" ? Apache httpd, or tomcat ?

Apache was accepting connection but not processed it. After restart of
tomcat server it worked again.

Also in

access logs there are no clues that it was under any heavy load.

after around hour after discovering that our server hanged-out we have
restarted tomcat server
and it worked again

Yes, because that will close all connections between Apache httpd and
tomcat, and abort all requests that are in the process of being
by tomcat. So mod_jk will get an error from tomcat, and will report an
error to httpd, and httpd will communicate that error to the clients,
close their connection.
It still does not tell you what the problem was.
The only thing that it suggests, is that the "bad" requests actually
it all the way to tomcat.


i will enable logs that you has pointed out and we will look what i will
however i think we have only one chance, as if the solution we has found
out (connection_timeout + mod_bn)
will work they will stop exploiting it

thank you very much for all the help and explanations
i will report to the list new facts once they will attack us again

best regards,

Ok, but also read this e.g. :

Attempts to bring down a site by DoS attacks is a crime, in most places..
You can report it, while at the same time trying to defend yourself
against it.

It is also relatively easy, and quite inexpensive in terms of system
resources, to run a small shell script which takes a list every few
seconds of the connections to the port of your webserver, and which IPs
they are coming *from*.
First try the netstat command, to see what it lists, like :
# netstat -n --tcp | more

Then you will want to filter this a bit, to only consider established
connections to your webserver, for example :
# netstat -n --tcp | grep ":80" | grep "ESTABLISHED"

Then you will want to send this to a logfile, regularly, like this :

# date >> some_file.log
# netstat -n --tcp | grep ":80" | grep "ESTABLISHED" >> some_file.log
(repeat every 3 seconds)

This will not generate GB of logfiles, and it will tell you, when the
problem happens, how many connections there are exactly to your
webserver, and where they are coming from.
Then later you can further analyse this information..

i think that setting connection-timeout and limiting the number of
by mod_bd i will
have effect that next time somebody will try this exploit it will
access to the site
for minute or two, pretty good holistic solution i would say

still, it seems that there is serious vulnerability somewhere in
mod_jk or tomcat
i would like to help find it out but need some hints which debug
enable to catch the bad guys
when they will try next time

best regards,

2016-11-27 13:58 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com>:

On 27.11.2016 13:23, Jaaz Portal wrote:

hi Andre,
thank you very much this was very educative but in my case it is
The server is no flooded, there is maybe dozen of very sophisticated
connections that somehow hangs apache workers threads

Can you be a bit more specific ?
When you say "apache workers threads", do you mean threads in Apache
httpd, or threads in Apache Tomcat ? (both are Apache webservers,
so it
difficult to tell what you are talking about, unless you are very

Let me give you some additional explanations, and maybe you can
exactly where it "hangs".

   From the Apache httpd front-end point of view, mod_jk (the
connector to
Apache Tomcat) is basically one among other "response generators".
httpd does not "know" that behind mod_jk, there is one or more Tomcat
servers.  Apache httpd receives the original client request, and
on the URL of the request, it will pass it to mod_jk or to another
generator, to generate the response to the request.
That mod_jk in the background is using a Tomcat server to actually
generate the response, is none of the business of Apache httpd, and
not care. All it cares about, is to actually receive the response
mod_jk, and pass it back to the client.

If httpd passes a request to mod_jk, it is because you have
specified in
the Apache configuration, the type of URL that it should pass to
That happens via your "JkMount (URL pattern)" directives in Apache

Of course Apache httpd will not pass a request to mod_jk, before it
received at least the URL of the request, and analysed it to
it should pass it to mod_jk (*).

If the mod_jk logging is enabled, you can see in it, exactly *which*
requests are passed to mod_jk and to Tomcat.
Do you know *which* requests, from which clients, cause this "thread
hanging" symptom ?
Once you would know this, maybe you can design a strategy to block
specifically these requests.

and the effect is permanent. Quickly the pool is exhausted

which pool exactly ?

and the only

solution that works is to restart tomcat.

I think it is a bug similar to this one from mod_proxy:

Maybe, maybe not. As long as we do not know what the requests are,
block things, we do not know this.

I think also that your solution with setting connectionTimeout will

the problem, at least partially. THANK YOU.

Same thing, we do not know this yet.  It was only giving this
to help you think about where the problem may be.

I would like to help you further investigate this issue, as our
comes under such attack once or twice in a week.

Other than giving you hints, there is not much I or anyone else
can do
help. You are the one with control of your servers and logfiles, so
have to investigate and provide more precise information.

(*) actually, to be precise, Apache httpd passes *all* requests to
to ask it "if it wants that request". mod_jk then accepts or
depending on the JkMount instructions. If mod_jk declines, then
httpd will ask the next response generator if it wants this request,

best regards,


2016-11-27 12:46 GMT+01:00 André Warnier (tomcat) <a...@ice-sa.com>:


Have a look that the indicated parameters in the two pages below.
You may be the target of such a variant of DDoS attack : many
a TCP connection to your server (front-end), but then never sends a
request on that connection.  In the meantime, the server accepts
connection, and passes it on to a "child" process or thread for
processing.  The child then waits for the HTTP request line to
the connection (during a certain time), but it never arrives.
After a
while, this triggers a timeout (see below), but the standard
value of
timeout may be such that in the meantime, a lot of other
been established by other such nefarious clients, so a lot of
the webserver are tied up, waiting for something that will never
Since there is never any real request sent on the connection, you
(probably) not see this in the logs either.

The above is the basic mechanism of such an attack.  There may be
variations, such as the client not "not sending" a request line,
sending it extremely slowly, thus achieving perhaps similar kinds

As someone pointed out, it is quite difficult to do something about
at the level of the webserver itself, because by the time you
would do
something about it, the resources have already been consumed and
server is probably already overloaded.
There are specialised front-end devices and software available, to
and protect against this kind of attack.

You may want to have a look at the following parameters, but make
read the caveats (side-effects, interlocking timeouts etc.),
may do more harm than good.

Another thing : the settings below are for Apache Tomcat, which
in your
case is the back-end. It would of course be much better to detect
eliminate this at the front-end, or even before.  I had a look at
Apache httpd documentation, and could not find a corresponding
But I am sure that it must exist. You may want to post this same
on the Apache httpd user's list for a better response.

Tomcat configuration settings :

AJP Connector : (http://tomcat.apache.org/tomc


The number of milliseconds this Connector will wait, after
accepting a
connection, for the request URI line to be presented. The default
AJP protocol connectors is -1 (i.e. infinite).

(You could for example try to set this to 3000 (milliseconds) or
lower. That should be more than enough for any legitimate client so
the HTTP request line.  Note however that by doing this at the
level, you will probably move the problem to the Apache
level.  But at least it might confirm that this is the problem
that you
seeing.  The mod_jk logfile at the httpd level may give you some

HTTP Connector : (http://tomcat.apache.org/tomc


The number of milliseconds this Connector will wait, after
accepting a
connection, for the request URI line to be presented. Use a value
of -1
indicate no (i.e. infinite) timeout. The default value is 60000
seconds) but note that the standard server.xml that ships with
this to 20000 (i.e. 20 seconds). Unless disableUploadTimeout is
set to
false, this timeout will also be used when reading the request
body (if

On 26.11.2016 09:57, Jaaz Portal wrote:


sorry, its mod_jk no jk2, my typo. All at latest versions. We
mod proxy too.

There is no flood of the server. Nobody is flooding us, they use
specific connections after which pool of apache workers is
and we need to restart tomcat server.
It is some kind of exploit but do not know how to log it to obtain

i had put a limit on connections per client with hope that this
but once again, it is not a flood.
They open several connections that are not dropped by apache
when they
disconnect. This way whole pool is quickly exhausted and the

i would like to help you to figure details of this attack but
this is
production server so it is impossible to much debugging options


2016-11-25 23:44 GMT+01:00 Niranjan Babu Bommu <


you can find who is flooding site in apache access.log and block


ex to find the IP:

cat /var/log/apache2/access.log |cut -d' ' -f1 |sort |uniq

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Jaaz Portal


we are from some weeks struggling with some Polish hackers that
bringing our server down. After updating apache to latest


and tomcat (8.0.38) available for debian systems we still cannot



Today it has stopped to respond again and we needed to restart
process to get it back alive.

There is no too much clues in the logs. The apache error.log
this line:

[Fri Nov 25 13:08:00.647835 2016] [mpm_event:error] [pid
92] AH00484: server reached MaxRequestWorkers setting, consider



equestWorkers setting

seems that somehow tomcat, mod-jk2 or even apache is
vulnerable to


exploit, as we certainly does not have such traffic that would

server otherwise

for now we have increased MaxRequestWorkers and we have limited
connections from one client to 5 by mod_bw and limited number of
simultaneous connections from one ip by iptables but does not


will help

best regards,


This sounds like a variant of the slowloris attack.

This type of attack doesn't take a large number of clients or consume a
large amount of bandwidth.

Basically, the maximum number of connections are made to the server, and
just enough data is sent to each connection in order to not trigger the
timeout. André has explained this in more detail earlier in the thread.
Search for "slowloris attack" for more information.

There are several ways of mitigating this type of attack.

As André has mentioned, placing a dedicated device in front of your
systems is often the best way. Lots of benefits (platform neutral, no
stress on your current servers), and some issues (cost, placement /
access may be an issue with hosted solutions).

However, there are Apache HTTPD modules that can help mitigate these
types of attacks. Some of them are:

mod_reqtimeout (should be included by default in your Apache HTRPD 2.4)
mod_qos (quality of service module)
mod_security (application firewall with lots of security rules)

Do a quick search on "slowloris attack apache httpd 2.4" to get some ideas.

All of them will probably place additional load on your Apache HTTPD
server, so make sure that the platform is robust enough to manage the
additional load.

There is also a beta version of the mod_security module written as a
servlet filter. It should be possible to build this and configure the
filter in Tomcat's default web.xml ($CATALINA_BASE/conf/web.xml). I've
not tried this. Also, the code base hasn't seen any activity for 3 years.

Do a quick search on "modsecurity servlet filter" to find out more about
the servlet filter version of mod_security.

In short, there appear to be some ways to mitigate the attack.

. . . just my two cents

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