On 08.12.2016 14:31, Arno Schäfer wrote:
I have configured a tomcat (7.0.54) webdav server and try to access via a 
windows UNC path.
If I run WebDAV in an IIS environment I can access this server automaticly from 
all clients
via an UNC path like '\\webserver[@port]\webdav\' if the server side mapping is
'https://webserver[:port]/webdav'. For this I have done nothing. (Windows >= 
version 7)

So it is possible to use this dynamicly in every client website, where I need 
it. What is to do
to get this also on the tomcat server? Is it done with some kind of server 
configuration or is
it a client side action.

Til now I mapped the webdav address to a windows drive letter, but this I want 
to avoid.

(and you should not need to do that)

Any hints are welcome :-)

In the "any hints" category :
- in Windows (disk) Explorer, go to "Netzwerkumgebung"
- select "Netzwerkumgebung hinzufügen"
- click "Weiter" (2 X)
- in "Internet- oder Netzwerkadresse", enter your 
and click "Weiter". Depending on how you set this up in your webserver, you may have to login.

When you are done, you should have a new link under "Netzwerkumgebung", without a drive letter. Under that link, what appears is the content of the webserver's DAV directories. You can then drag/drop files to/from there, using Windows Explorer.

Is that what you mean by your (relatively obscure) question ?

(Web)DAV is a HTTP "sub-protocol" (or "extension"). Any accesses to a DAV resource are via HTTP commands. Possibly, Windows and IIS allows you to also access an IIS-based DAV server, via a UNC kind of address, and make the translation automatically. But that would then be Windows-specific.

Note: the Windows client-side implementation of DAV is full of non-standard particularities and caveats. Do not be surprised if you encounter some issues with this, and search Google and/or the Tomcat list archives for more information.

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