Hi Chris

Thanks for your insight and reply.

cjb> I'd like to prevent users from requesting JSP pages directly,
cjb> except for the login page.

cs> Why except for the login page? I would include the login page
cs> as something that should be fronted with a (non-JSP) servlet,
cs> even if that servlet doesn't do anything right now. It gives
cs> you great flexibility in the future.

OK, that sounds reasonable.

cjb> I want all requests to be handled by servlets.  That way I can 
cjb> legitimately claim that all requests are being validated, input 
cjb> scrubbed, JSP's cannot be taken advantage of w/o their servlet 

cs> it's easy to put a servlet in front of everything that does
cs> *not* provide everything above, but... let's just assume that's
cs> all being competently done.

Well, it is still a work in progress.

cjb> a. One way I read is by adding a <security-constraint> for each 
cjb> folder.  One use case is for JSP include files.  That looks
cjb> possible  but makes it seem like these are exceptions and not
cjb> the rule.  I want "deny, deny, deny" to be the default and the
cjb> one or 2 allowable JSP pages to be the exception.

cs> This is certainly doable, but it's a lot of work, and you have
cs> to maintain those blacklists as your application grows.

Agreed, and yuck.

cjb> b. Another way mentioned is by having most of the JSP files under
cjb> the WEB-INF folder.  That way the users don't have access to the
cjb> JSP's but the servlets do. [...]  Also, that would require moving
cjb> most of the JSP files.

cs> This is the way I've always seen it done, and the way I would
cs> recommend that you do it.

OK, gotcha.

cs> It *does* require that you move all your JSPs, but that's a one-time
cs> headache and it sets a precedent for the future of your project(s):
cs> put all your JSPs under /WEB-INF.
cs> You will of course also have to fix every include/forward that you
cs> have in your application

I was afraid of that.  :-/  Looks like yet another round of refactoring.  :-)

cs> fix every include/forward that you have in your application to
cs> include/forward to /WEB-INF/foo.jsp instead of just /foo.jsp.

OK, thanks for letting me know how to do that.  Will it work for both scriptlet 
<%@ include file="abc.jsp" %> and JSP <jsp:include page="abc.jsp" /> includes?

Cris Berneburg
CACI Lead Software Engineer

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