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On 10/12/18 14:47, Steven Feinstein wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Tomcat 8.0.32 running on Windows 2012 R2 as a Service.
> My application is running under https port 8443 Part of my 
> application opens an HttpsURLConnection back to the same app A
> cert was created for each server and the keystore file updated with
> the information.

It's worth stopping here to note that Tomcat's keystore and truststore
configuration only effect the connections coming into Tomcat.over
whatever <Connector> is being configured with those stores.

That may help you understand things from here on out...

> On my dev server, this all works OK.  On my test server, it is 
> failing with trustAnchors parameter cannot be empty.  I understand 
> this error to basically mean I am not accessing my trustStore
> file.
> Our server.xml file does list the keyStore location for port 8443. 
> It does not contain a trustStore entry (not even sure if that
> would work as I did not try it).

Trust stores are used by an endpoint to determine whether the other
end of the connection is trusted. For most servers, the client is
irrelevant: the server is willing to accept requests from anyone. If
your clients need client-certificates, you'd have to specify a value
for the truststore.

For *clients* (those processes making connections to remote web
servers), a trust store needs to include either the certificate of the
server being contacted OR a certificate that was used to sign any of
the certificates that the server presents. Often, you will be
contacting a server that has a cert from a well-known CA and the
built-in truststore will be sufficient. If you have a self-signed cert
on the server or use a little-known CA, then you will have to specify
your own trust store and put the appropriate certificate in that store.

> The first thing I tried was creating setEnv.bat with java options
> for the keystore and trustore locations and passwords.  This did
> not work which I figured out is because we are running as a
> service, so it never gets called.

This should actually work.

> The next thing i tried was running tomcat8w //ES/Tomcat8.

... unless you are running as a Windows Service. The .BAT files are
ignored for the service. Instead, you should run tomcat8w //ES/Tomcat8 :

> This opened up a window to make entries in a Java tab which
> allowed me to enter the locations.  I know the keystore was picked
> up because I mistyped it and hung my app.  Fixing the spelling and
> the app stopped hanging.  But I still kept getting the error.

Good. Well, not good but at least SOMETHING is happening. Can you post
exactly that you typed, and where?

> I started looking at any difference I could find between the
> servers. That is when I noticed that the person who installed the
> cert on the dev server placed it in e:\tomcat8\cert.  The person
> who installed it on the test server placed it in e:\tomcat8\cert3.
> Next, I printed the values of 
> System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore") and 
> System.getProperty("javax.net.ssl.keyStore"). This resulted in
> null for the keystore and e:/tomcat8/cert/mystore for the
> trustStore.

No filename extension? That's uncommon, but not necessarily a problem.

> I went back to tomcat8w and re-entered the values on the test 
> machine: keystore was now e:/tomcat8/cert3/mystore  while
> trustStore still showed e:/tomcat8/cert/mystore
> I can't figure out where the trustStore value is coming from.  I 
> searched using a grep tool for mystore and it's only location is
> in server.xml in the keystore entry for 8443 and is correct at 
> e:/tomcat8/cert3/mystore.

That won't affect outgoing connections. Also, the keystore won't be
used for making outgoing connections unless the remote server requires
client-certificate authentication. Does it?

> What I have currently done is removed the entries from tomcat8w 
> (which is really the registry), renamed cert3 to cert, modified 
> server.xml to also point to cert.  Now everything runs fine.
> I can live with this, but I'd like to know why the trustStore
> value keeps showing e:/tomcat8/cert and would never show
> e:/tomcat8/cert3.

You'd have to look around in the configuration utility. There are many
boxes, but it should be there somewhere.

> Why did it always assume the cert location?  I can't find any
> entry on my server nor can I even find mystore without a path
> (assuming maybe Tomact prepends a default if found without a
> path).
> I'd like to klnow how to change the path in case it is ever needed
> at a later date - if it is possible at all.
> Does anyone know how Tomcat comes up with the trustStore location?

Tomcat itself sets none of this. If it's in the system properties,
it's because of some explicit configuration *somewhere*.

- -chris
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/


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