Hello Nitin, 

Am 27.02.2019 16:34, schrieb Nitin Kadam: 

> Hello Team, 
> I have added below given filter and restarted tomcat service still it shows 
> Cache Control as private. 
> Please help me on same.

Pictures are stripped off the mailing list. so better send us text logs.

Nevertheless I told you before, the Cache-Control header may come from
your webapp. So you have to check the web.xml of the app for a possible
filter. Maybe it's also in the framework or the servlets itself. What is
happening if you request a resource from another context?
If it is set in the app, then possibly nothing in tomcat will be able to
remove it from the response (maybe a reverse proxy like apache or

Hope this helps. 


> On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:54 PM logo <l...@kreuser.name> wrote: 
>> Hi Nitin,
>> Am 27.02.2019 10:11, schrieb Nitin Kadam:
>>> Sorry for typo in earlier email, i was saying about ExpiresFilter only
>>> so how do i add this filter and failter mapping , Do i need to add
>>> both in existing <filter-name>httpHeaderSecurity</filter-name>
>>> <filter>
>>> <filter-name>ExpiresFilter</filter-name>
>>> <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.ExpiresFilter</filter-class>
>>> <init-param>
>>> <param-name>ExpiresByType image</param-name>
>>> <param-value>access plus 10 days</param-value>
>>> </init-param>
>>> <init-param>
>>> <param-name>ExpiresByType text/css</param-name>
>>> <param-value>access plus 10 hours</param-value>
>>> </init-param>
>>> <init-param>
>>> <param-name>ExpiresByType application/javascript</param-name>
>>> <param-value>access plus 10 minutes</param-value>
>>> </init-param>
>>> <!-- Let everything else expire immediately -->
>>> <init-param>
>>> <param-name>ExpiresDefault</param-name>
>>> <param-value>access plus 0 seconds</param-value>
>>> </init-param></filter>
>> this is an extra entry. I don't know if you should really put this in 
>> the global web.xml or rather in your applications web.xml. Maybe Mark 
>> can let us know more about possible consequences?
>> Add the <filter>...</filter> AND the <filter-mapping>!!!
>> Peter
>>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 1:59 PM logo <l...@kreuser.name> wrote:
>>>> Hello Nitin,
>>>> Am 27.02.2019 08:52, schrieb Nitin Kadam:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> How can i change "Cache Control -private: to "Cache-Control: nostore"
>>>>> i searched and found that need to add express filters in web config but
>>>>> not
>>>>> sure on where to add in filters.
>>>>> can you please guide me on same?
>>>> as far as I can tell, that Header is already set by your application -
>>>> Tomcat will not set it by default. Not to "private" for sure.
>>>> So it may be necessary to change that in your config, maybe even code.
>>>> Usually you would have to implement a CacheControl filter like the one
>>>> mentioned here at stackoverflow
>>>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2876250/tomcat-cache-control [1]
>>>> I don't know if the new ExpiresFilter will let you set the
>>>> Cache-Control-Header to that necessary value (other than max-age=0).
>>>> From my experience and the long history of many different browsers 
>>>> using
>>>> different headers, the one header will maybe solve a vulnscan issue 
>>>> but
>>>> not the compatibility with "all" browsers.
>>>> Peter
>>>>> On Wed, Feb 20, 2019 at 3:28 AM Peter@Kreuser-Online
>>>>> <l...@kreuser.name>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Nitin,
>>>>>> Per se this can be done by enabling the
>>>>>> org.apache.catalina.filters.HttpHeaderSecurityFilter
>>>>>> in the global or your webapp's web.xml
>>>>>> For CSP you should write your own Filter.
>>>>>> Beware though that Content Security Policy is nothing that can be
>>>>>> enabled
>>>>>> without application knowhow, the right settings for your needs and
>>>>>> intensive testing. You may really break inline Javascript in your
>>>>>> pages
>>>>>> (css too).
>>>>>> Please check out the great websites of Scott Helme on the Headers
>>>>>> https://Securityheaders.io [2] or
>>>>>> https://scotthelme.co.uk/csp-cheat-sheet/ [3]
>>>>>> Peter
>>>>>> > Am 19.02.2019 um 19:13 schrieb Nitin Kadam <nitinkadam1...@gmail.com
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Hello Team
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Need help to enable below security headers in Apache tomcat 7.0.79
>>>>>> > Operating system is windows 2012 R2
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > 1. Content security headers
>>>>>> > 2. HSTS header
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Regards
>>>>>> > Nitin
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> -- 
> Regards
> Nitin Kadam
> (9967688959)


[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2876250/tomcat-cache-control
[2] https://Securityheaders.io
[3] https://scotthelme.co.uk/csp-cheat-sheet/

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