
Many people say the maximum number of client ports is 64K. However, TCP 
connections only require unique sockets, which are defined as...

local_IP:local_port -> remote_ip:remote_port

Theoretically, it is possible for a client process to keep using the same local 
source port, as long as the connections are to a unique destinations. For 
example on a local machine, the following connections should be possible... -> -> -> ->

I've seen this demonstrated successfully here:

As someone on that page pointed out, while it is possible, it does not commonly 
occur in practice "because most TCP APIs don't provide a way to create more 
than one connection with the same source port, unless they have different 
source IP addresses." This leads to the 64K maximum client port range, but it 
is really a limitation of the APIs, not TCP.

So how does tomcat handle things? Is it limited to a maximum 64K client source 
ports, or is it 64K per destination, as it should be?


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