Am 2020-05-27 um 12:35 schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 27/05/2020 10:59, Osipov, Michael wrote:

Am 2020-05-27 um 10:51 schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 22/05/2020 22:59, Osipov, Michael wrote:


I found one issue with HttpClient and Tomcat via HTTP/1.1. I have
decrypted the TLS traffic [1]. I can see that HttpClient sends the
headers also with a 4 KiB large chunk of the ZIP file. In return a
Tomcats send the 401 response with:
Keep-Alive: timeout=300
Connection: keep-alive

The client keeps sending in 8 KiB large blocks. After 2 134 016 written
bytes there is a TLS alert: Close Notify. A few packets later: RST.

I would expect to see here: "Connection: close".


Does the client provide a content-length header and no expectation? If
so, Tomcat could determine that the maxSwallowSize is going to be
exceeded and close the connection early.

Yes, it does. CL present and not expectation. A transcript is here [1].
We have already a working patch for the early response, also Oleg is
already working on the early close not happening which is a bug in

As for the connection header: I do not understand why you assume the
header is no necessary. Your reasoning is that if the server closes the
physical connection before the client has spooled the entire body and it
is imperative for the client to close the connection too regard of the
presense of the header?

I didn't assume the header is not necessary. I asked for further
explanation from you of why you thought it was necessary. I also asked
some questions relevant to a potential justification for adding the header.

Sorry if I caused confusion or missed something.

This is my understanding from section 6.5 the last paragraph. The justification will follow below.

Tomcat has enough information to know that:
- it needs to return a 401
- the request body won't be read (by the application)
- the request body is larger than maxSwallowSize so once that many bytes
   have been swallowed, Tomcat is going to close the connection

At this point I think we are heading outside of behaviour defined by the
HTTP/1.1 specification. I haven't found language covering aborted uploads.

RFC 7230, 6.6 states a "Connection: close" header SHOULD be sent if
Tomcat knows it is going to close the connection. I think that applies
in this case so I'd be in favour of adding that behaviour.

That's the first paragraph, I agree. See also this example from the now working HttpClient:

5921 [main] DEBUG - 
ep-00000001: connected http-outgoing-1
5921 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.InternalHttpClient - 
ep-00000001: endpoint connected
5921 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.MainClientExec - 
ex-00000002: executing POST /content-dev/api/documents HTTP/1.1
5921 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.InternalHttpClient - 
ep-00000001: start execution ex-00000002
5921 [main] DEBUG - 
ep-00000001: executing exchange ex-00000002 over http-outgoing-1
5921 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 >> POST 
/content-dev/api/documents HTTP/1.1
5921 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 >> 
Accept-Encoding: gzip, x-gzip, deflate
5921 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 >> 
Content-Length: 7664149
5921 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 >> 
Content-Type: application/zip
5921 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 >> Host: 
5921 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 >> 
Connection: keep-alive
5921 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 >> 
User-Agent: Apache-HttpClient/5.0.1-SNAPSHOT (Java/13.0.2)
5949 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 << HTTP/1.1 401 5949 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 << WWW-Authenticate: Negotiate
5949 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 << 
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
5949 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 << 
Content-Language: en
5949 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 << 
Content-Length: 437
5949 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 << Date: 
Wed, 27 May 2020 12:15:29 GMT
5949 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 << 
Keep-Alive: timeout=300
5949 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.headers - http-outgoing-1 << 
Connection: keep-alive
5952 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.MainClientExec - 
ex-00000002: connection can be kept alive for 300 SECONDS
5954 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.auth.HttpAuthenticator - 
Authentication required
5954 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.auth.HttpAuthenticator - 
<hostname>:11111 requested authentication
5954 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.DefaultAuthenticationStrategy 
- Authentication schemes in the order of preference: [Negotiate, Kerberos, 
NTLM, Digest, Basic]
5956 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.DefaultAuthenticationStrategy 
- Challenge for Kerberos authentication scheme not available
5956 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.DefaultAuthenticationStrategy 
- Challenge for NTLM authentication scheme not available
5956 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.DefaultAuthenticationStrategy 
- Challenge for Digest authentication scheme not available
5956 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.DefaultAuthenticationStrategy 
- Challenge for Basic authentication scheme not available
5956 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.auth.HttpAuthenticator - 
Selecting authentication options
5956 [main] WARN org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.auth.HttpAuthenticator - 
Missing auth challenge
<!doctype html><html lang="en"><head><title>HTTP Status 401 – Unauthorized</title><style type="text/css">body 
{font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;} h1, h2, h3, b {color:white;background-color:#525D76;} h1 {font-size:22px;} h2 {font-size:16px;} h3 {font-size:14px;} p {font-size:12px;} a 
{color:black;} .line {height:1px;background-color:#525D76;border:none;}</style></head><body><h1>HTTP Status 401 – 
Unauthorized</h1></body></html>5956 [main] DEBUG org.apache.hc.client5.http.impl.classic.InternalHttpClient - ep-00000001: releasing valid endpoint
5956 [main] DEBUG - 
ep-00000001: releasing endpoint
5956 [main] DEBUG - 
ep-00000001: connection is not kept alive
5956 [main] DEBUG - 
http-outgoing-1: close connection GRACEFUL
5980 [main] DEBUG 
- ep-00000001: connection released [route: {s}->https://<hostname>:11111][total 
available: 0; route allocated: 0 of 5; total allocated: 0 of 25]

C: Connection: keep-alive
S: knows that the connection will be closed, but still sends keep alive information. While HttpClient ignores this piece of information because the connection must closed anyway accoring to section 6.5, but other clients might not be so "smart". curl also handles this correcly with "Connection: keep-alive".

This then opens up an interesting question of whether to bother reading
*any* of the request body if Tomcat knows it is going to close the
connection before reading all of it. Based on what you have observed,
would earlier closure of the connection (after a response with a
"Connection: close" header) create additional difficulties? Would those
clients that currently read the response while Tomcat is swallowing the
first 2MB of upload still read the response if Tomcat didn't swallow any
of the request? I think you can test this with maxSwallowSize="0"

I will test this, but this heavily depends on the client, especially how I/O is handled. Blocking or non-blocking. The ClassicHttpClient is blocking and what we do now is to wait (with a small timeout) for the early response after having sent off the headers. We cannot detect this in flight (after the first byte of the body has been sent) [1] while non-blocking clients (e.g., curl, AsyncHttpClient) can detect in-flight. I don't think that there is a silverbullet or whether maxSwallowSize should be by default 0.

@Oleg, what you is your opinion here because you supplied the patches?



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