Hi All,

Can you please help us understand this behavior .

The following is the sequence of events that is happening for a few streams .
Initially when the stream is opened , it processes fine , but beyond some time 
tomcat does not process the headers, for which the client is sending RST_STREAM 
(ERROR: NO_ERROR) and then tomcat closes the stream with GOAWAY (An error 
occurred during processing that was fatal to the connection).
Other connection streams during the same time are working fine .

Please find the link to the images : img2 has GOAWAY packet

Please help us analyze under which cases this happens .

Embedded tomcat:9.0.22

Thanks and Regards

Arshiya Shariff

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org<mailto:ma...@apache.org>>
Sent: Monday, September 7, 2020 10:21 PM
To: users@tomcat.apache.org<mailto:users@tomcat.apache.org>
Subject: Re: HTTP2: Connections abruptly closed by sending GOAWAY

On 07/09/2020 09:29, Arshiya Shariff wrote:

> Hi All,

> Tomcat is closing connections abruptly by sending GOAWAY with reason

> Connection [5309], Stream [57,359], An error occurred during processing that 
> was fatal to the connection .


> Just trying to understand in what scenarios this happens. Can you please help 
> us.

An unhandled InterruptedIOException during I/O.

I/O exception writing an intermediate 100 response for a request with an 

I/O exception trying to initiate a push request.

I/O exception committing, flushing or closing a stream.

So, generally, any I/O exception that indicates the connection between the 
client and the server is broken.



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