
> Am 02.04.2022 um 00:53 schrieb Joseph Michaud <>:
> As I understand it, an ErrorReportValve is an application-level filter.  An 
> HTTP request error (like an unknown URL) that reaches it will be processed.  
> With the ErrorReportValve I can modify the information presented in the 
> report.  However, an *invalid* URL is not assignable to any application.  No 
> ErrorReportValve would apply to it.
> An invalid URL generates a 400 response.  In Tomcat 8.5, there was no error 
> report included in that response.  In Tomcat 9.0, the default error report is 
> included.  The default error report includes Tomcat version information.  
> Some security-conscious customers don't want version information displayed 
> but now, with Tomcat 9.0, I cannot remove that information.
> I think the answer is 'no', but I'll ask anyway.... Is there a global-level 
> ErrorReportValve capability?  Or some facility to easily remove the version 
> information from an 'invalid URL' error report?  (I'm aware of modifying the 
> file, but that affects more than just the error 
> report...)

this goes in server.xml like this

      <Host name="localhost"  appBase="webapps"
            unpackWARs="false" autoDeploy="false" deployXML="true">

        <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve" 
showReport="false" showServerInfo="false" />


you may also add 
errorReportValveClass="com.logo.tomcat.valves.CustomErrorReportValve" to the 
host attributes.

Hope this helps


> Joe
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