Thanks for going the extra mile to help me out on this. I really appreciate
As far as I am aware, the auto detection of local member is only available
post v9.0.17 and the <LocalMember> tag was added in v8.5.1. Unfortunately,
I happen to be working in an environment where 8.5.0 is the highest non-EOL
version available. I know I am playing very fast and loose with the
definition of EOL when the current version is 8.5.98. Since the
StaticMembershipInterceptor has been available for a long time, I thought I
could make it work without those two features.

Manak Bisht

On Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 3:56 PM Mark Thomas <> wrote:

> The other difference is that you don't appear to have defined the local
> member of the cluster. You should define all members of the cluster,
> including the local member, on each node. The local member can be
> defined explicitly as LocalMember or as an ordinary Member and Tomcat
> will figure out it is the local one.

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