Hi guys.

Tomcat 9.0.87 (and Tomcat 9.0.76)
Ubuntu 22.04 (and Red hat 8)
java 8 : openjdk version "1.8.0_382"
protocol: HTTP

I have migrated an application from tomcat 7 (7.0.76) to tomcat 9.0.76 (and
also to tomcat 9.0.87)

After upgrading to Tomcat 9.0.76, the web page is not displaying correctly
as some CSS/images are returning HTTP status 400. If we reload the browser,
it works fine.

 When this happens, the "type" of the resources is text/html .

 My error is similar to this:

 Any configuration I may be missing?
 Any advice to solve this error is welcome.

 thank you

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