> On May 22, 2024, at 13:31, Garber, Frank 
> <francis.gar...@elevancehealth.com.INVALID> wrote:
> Not knowing how it’s supposed to behave, here’s another clue. When I click on 
> the “Server Status” button, I never get prompted for credentials.

This sounds like a browser configuration problem. On the first attempt to 
access a protected resource, the server will return a 401 status with a 
WWW-Authenticate header listing the acceptable authentication mechanisms; for 
Tomcat, "Basic" is the default. The browser is then supposed to take the 
specified action to determine the credentials - for Basic, that’s the typical 
dialog box prompt.

If you’re using Edge (my condolences if so), go to edge://policy and look at 
the AuthSchemes entry; if it doesn’t include “basic”, you’ll never get the 

Can you correct the Edge config or try a different browser?

  - Chuck

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