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Martin Gainty wrote:
> against my better judgement [sic] I'll play your game
> where in this message do you see SIG11?

I can understand your confusion... you /did/ have to ask him twice what
the error was. He posted it twice, right here:

# HotSpot Virtual Machine Error : 11
# Error ID : 4F530E43505002EF
# An error report file has been saved as hs_err_pid22350.log.
# Please refer to the fil [messsage ends prematurely]

> He hasnt said that he specifically needs hotspot VM so I told him to disable 
> it.
> Take this to the bank
> "To avoid looking like an idiot Think twice write once or have one of
>  your parents check your statement"

I stand by every one of the statements I make on this list. I'm
disappointed that you lash out whenever anyone questions your postings.

Here's a tip for not looking like an idiot: don't post a link to a
"fixed" bug that clearly says it's not fixed.

> Heres another one you should read
> "Don't provoke a fight you cant win"

I don't really care about your game, either, Martin. I'm actually going
to help this guy. That's enough of a win for me.

- -chris

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