Hi there,

It is well noted by Google (and other search engines) that they do not like
session tracking info as part of the URL. This does include JSessionId, and
because Google visits your site as a cookieless user, every page indexed by
them includes JSessionId, this is bad for numerous reasons - but the main
reason is that Google may think you are cheating, as they are indexing the
same page multiple times and it adversely effects your ranking.

It is annoying as Tomcat deals with the URL according to standards, It seems
to be everything else which doesn't. To be more precise, it is the ';' in
the URL which servers such as Apache, and search engines and spiders like
Google don't like much at all. By all rights Google should ignore the
session id but it doesn't.

Anyway, how do I turn this cookie-less tracking off for Tomcat? I would
rather have better ranking (and not be banned) than have a minor percent of
customers not being able to use my site. Or is there another solution that I
have missed here?

Kind Regards,

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